15 February 2012

Social Games - Internet Content

I play social games, I find they can help focus the mind as one works. That is, the brain does not seem to operate like a computer in this sense, it will not function in a given state indefinitely. A certain work tend to require a given state, so to give a break and help focus the mind, I find games helpful.

The reason I find this of interest to this blog, is because they are internet content, already here. It is interesting to think what their origins are, are they something almost entirely native to computers.

I remember when I was working on a masters degree in AI, as I worked away on the Sun SPARC UNIX workstations, I noticed that the undergrads behind me seemed to be involved in something.

I discovered it was MUDD, multi user dungeons and dragons. It used UNIX protocols to enable interactive playing. I never played this myself, there was not time at all for such things, as I descended into the depths of LISP and Prolog programming.

Yet I have ended up doing the same thing, with social games. But very interestingly, it seems not to be the preserve of those with whom Leonard and his friends would have a lot to talk about. It seems to be the preserve of Penny and her friends.

A little bit of a rhetorical flourish there, but there has been a significant socialization of such games in recent times.

Social sites have placed hyper user friendly, crystal clear interfaces onto that raw internet, on which MUDD made sense. The interfaces then were crystal clear, but perhaps not so user friendly, they tended to assume a certain knowledge of computing.

All this may well still happen, the old ways of communicating are used, but the great mass of people who came into it after the beginning of the new millenium, especially with the rise of the social networks, have found the same thing, in a new way.

So perhaps to look for new content, and to look at the companies which may thrive on it, it is useful to look at what is already there. This provides a rationale for evaulating social game companies, but it as well gives one something to look at. Did it work in the past and will the ever new interfaces magnify it in such a way as it reaches the internet of tomorrow.

I will just say that something about the structure of the internet, which we can perhaps look at in its stripped down form in earlier days, is providing a comfort zone for many people, as it did for those undergraduates.

For me and I am sure many others, it is a huge extension of the capabilities of the mind, an extension of things the brain is not so good at, hard search and vast storage of information, plus this unknown of what are its social possibilities (a great question indeed).

That is we make a distinction between the mind as an individual device, given a task by others or by oneself and the mind in a social context. Of course, the interesting thing, is to what extent the internet can merge this.

I would say not fully yet, but it may and seems to be a source of company formation. But there is more, there is the capacity each person has to add to the internet. There really are very few barriers to this still. It is thus the great frontier, replacing those moonbases, for better or for worse, free and with a potential we cannot define and thus limit.

So the capacity for content provision and that sense of the internet as a place you want to be, for whatever reason, is one such confluence of potential company formation.

This only underscores for me the importance of letting people feel free to express themselves. It may be useful to look at internet companies as communication companies, but the difference between the internet and a phone company (stripping away the internet component) is that the communicators can provide the content for all.

That is your speech on the phone, can become the content that makes up the domain. This makes a distinction between activity and content.

In the end that is all the control that may be needed, people want to reach others, and structure what they say thus. So the same controls, the same social self retraint that people practice on conversation, seem to work here, it converges over time, more or less, with that less giving internet speech something else.

There is a unique component to internet speech, but that wildness it can have, could also be a root for the intense creativity evidenced across internet output, already.

That is, a lack of limits leads to creative output and leads to companies, for something that, in the past we could only possibly make money from, by somehow getting it into a form suitable for the potential of media distribution.

It is not necessarily the money that drives company formation, it is the possibility of it that helps structure this formation, but the internet may be make this possibility more efficient and functionally effective. That depends on a number of factors.

But we may find this function transposed into the market itself at a later stage. It is interesting to wonder whether that provides a kind of key for a company, that may be implicitly found in company analysis. But whether or not, it may provide for more efficient markets, or at least different ones.

So we can define the internet as a place where content and structure merge over time ? Maybe, as long as the structure providers allow it, or are allowed to. It is not really a matter of providing structure, it is just we can see content as producing a finer grain over time.

Eventually it perhaps converges to words and images, as this happens these assume a greater and greater importance, indeed the structures themselves converge to these words and images, interfaces can be very stripped these days. So a future internet ?

In general we can assume such a process does not produce an endpoint of convergence, but nonetheless stimulates new things. In there something other than content and structure ? Well, there are new ways of expressing life, which those games have always tried to get at, from MUDD to the new games.

That is the social pull at the heart of much internet activity. So we can see the internet as amplifying, perhaps. If so we have a way of looking at what we might expect to emerge in the future. Something wild ? Yes, but in a fluid structure for it, one might hope.

02 February 2012

Sharing Future Content

This is a post about content again. Obviously I believe Internet content will be important. The issue right now is that content dissemination is determined by those who control the structures in which content is created on the Internet. In one sense we can regard SOPA as a red herring. Gate-keeping already exists on the Internet.

However for a future economy and for the development of the present one, we might see something like this: content itself becomes the functional equivalent of these complex software programs which express structures for creating content. So let us look for what is already there. Sharing is a word which crops up a lot.

On some networks this is done with restraint on some it is done with a great freedom. Neither is necessarily better. For the profitability of companies, it is a matter of users clicking on ads or buying virtual currencies or somehow interacting with the structures for monetization created by the company.

That may be a function of ad targeting. There is already a pay by view internet and all content providers ask whether one should go premium. But the strong bias of the internet has always been that it is both open, that is available to all on it, and free. The freedom of the internet may be a function of the extent to which it is free, in a monetary sense.

So if one goes with indirect monetization, that is a matter of numbers and engagement. It may itself depend on that free access (a kind of virtuous circle). This issue of course is how much engagement you want on the content. But that comes down to this, finding ways to integrate content itself with monetization, without charging for it.

But what does this mean for content providers. Is it possible for content itself to be a monetized structure while not being created for these aims. Well, yes, I believe it is, but it still comes down to numbers and engagement and that is a function of the structures within which this content exists. It is a fine grained control.

We might see SOPA as a coarser grained control and we might see the presently existing PRO-IP (passed under President Bush) as an even coarser grained control. The granularity of the grain is not a matter of better or worse, btw, that depends on your perspective.

However, if one wants that distributed, open free internet, one would presumably want as coarse a grain of control as possible. It is hard to see how regulations and control can be made both coherent with the model of the internet and finely focused (but all things are possible).

In all events the nature of the internet needs to be taken into account, which is perhaps how those fine grained controls of those structures content work, they understand this, as they are the internet. More particularly, they are both fine grained and adaptive. Can regulation be like that ?

But what we are really interested on this site, in the view of alternative investing, is the monetization that comes from inputs into the structures created. That is traditionally, VC funds or later the market itself.

For these the interest is in the future income stream of these structures. That is, is it possible to value content provision in such a way. Well, for something that does not really exist, that would be a hard question to answer, it is hard enough when it does exist.

But it is something to think about, because the key issue for all new emerging things, is spotting them at the right stage.

However I might suggest a key issue is the capacity for the content provider to share their content for their monetization aims rather than the aims of the structures they operate in. Or at least find a happy medium.

That provides the incentive from which revolutions are made. It all comes down to the motivated creative output of the individual or team.

What all this means is that without the numbers, one, or a group, can still motivate with a sense of deferred compensation, as internet content has a freewheeling openness itself that allows that possibility. In a practical sense, it attracts money right now, to fund and invest.

It allows for a pre-start up state of exploration, which depends on the capacity of the explorer to do this. But it allows for a direction that is not a function of present reward, but is nonetheless a direction.

That is something we might consider as beneficial for the structure of a future company. It as well may make the spotting stage more efficient.