Top 10 Bitcoin Trading Sites - No Wallet Needed

Top 10 Bitcoin Trading Sites | Bitcoin CFD Trading | Platforms
Top 10 Bitcoin CFD Trading Sites Comparison Table
Online BrokerPositionBitcoin Trading PlatformsAbout
Plus500 Platform
Bitcoin Trading Platforms
Plus500 provides weekend Bitcoin CFD trading on its user friendly platform, with a 1 hour break on Sunday
Deriv X, MT5
Bitcoin Trading Platforms
Deriv offers 24/7 Bitcoin CFD trading on user friendly Deriv X and on MT5, thus allowing automated Bitcoin CFD trading
MT5, JForex
Bitcoin Trading Platform
Dukascopy Bank offers 24/7 Bitcoin CFD trading on JForex, which supports automated trading and has 250+ technical indicators and provides Bitcoin CFD trading on MT4
MT4, MT5
Bitcoin Trading Platforms
Oanda Global is part of a long established group and offers Bitcoin CFD trading on MT4 and MT5
Web Trader, Advanced Trading Platform
Bitcoin Trading Platforms provides Bitcoin CFD trading on its user friendly Web Trader and on its Advanced Trading Platform
IQ Option Platform
Bitcoin Trading Platforms
IQ Option offers Bitcoin CFD trading on its user friendly platform
MT4, MT5
Bitcoin Trading Platforms
Titan FX provides Bitcoin CFD trading on MT4 and MT5, thus allowing automated BTC trading
MT4, MT5, cTrader, TradingView
Bitcoin Trading Platforms
Pepperstone provides Bitcoin CFD trading on MT4, MT5, cTrader and TradingView
MT4, MT5, ThinkTrader
Bitcoin Trading Platforms
ThinkMarkets offer Bitcoin CFD trading on MT4 and MT5 and on user friendly ThinkTrader
MT4, MT5, cTrader
Bitcoin Trading Platforms
IC Markets offers Bitcoin CFD trading on MT4, MT5 and cTrader

Top 10 Bitcoin Trading Sites - Bitcoin CFD Trading

In the comparison table are 10 brokers which provide CFD trading, with a range of platforms to trade Bitcoin CFDs. CFDs offer a way to trade cryptocurrencies without owning them and let the trade use the online trading platforms and tools provided by the broker to trade their range of markets.

How can Bitcoin be traded ?

Bitcoin can be traded on cryptocurrency exchanges. However some CFD brokers allow the trader to trade Bitcoin CFDs. A CFD is a Contract for Difference (the trader trades with their CFD provider, not on exchanges). Bitcoin CFDs are based closely on the price of Bitcoin on exchanges. When a trading a CFD, the trader does not own any Bitcoin and therefore needs no wallet or other means to store it. The trader can speculate on the price movement of Bitcoin, can go long or short and Bitcoin leverage trading is possible (though cryptocurrencies are extremely volatile and increasing leverage increases risk).

What is Bitcoin ?

Bitcoin is an Internet based payment network allowing payments in the cryptocurrency Bitcoin to be sent from wallet to wallet. Bitcoin utilises a cryptographically secured payment processing technology called the blockchain, which allows payments to be processed by miners and validated by the Bitcoin network in times which can vary depending on the level of congestion in the network.

There is no central processing system, thus payments when sent are processed to arrive at the destination. Bitcoin effectively algorithmically'outsources' payment processing to miners, who use computer programs and hardware to create blocks of processed payments (after competing to do so by solving a computationally hard problem). These blocks when validated by the network are cryptographically secured to the previous block, creating a chain of all transactions in the network which is stored in multiple copies.

Bitcoin is traded on exchanges with the symbol BTC, creating a reference value for CFDs which can then be traded at CFD brokers. Bitcoin along with other cryptocurrencies is extremely volatile. For CFD trading, this has meant that leverage while it is available has tended to be limited, although this has been changing in some regions. This is because increasing leverage increases risk and exposure to volatile price movements.