Weekly Commentary: Forex, Precious Metals, Oil & Bitcoin

Forex, Oil, Bitcoin and Precious Metals Weekly Commentary

Gold and EUR/CHF: 19th October 2024

On monthly candlestick charts, Gold can be seen driving upwards from its base around 2000.

Weekly, the rise can be seen as directional but strucutred by small retracements.

Daily, resistance levels can be observed providing retracemnts.

4hr, the current directionality may be seen emerging from a dip down to 2600.

30min, a somewhat ragged but directional move up may be noted.


On monthly candlestick charts, EUR/CHF may be noted testing lows with a spike below.

Weekly, some downward direction can be seen despite the pressure of a support low.

Daily, support around 0.93 may be noted.

4hr, a move on support can be seen with slightly narrowing waves.

30min, reactive moves can be seen up and down.

Bitcoin and USD/JPY: 12th October 2024

On monthly candlestick charts, Bitcoin (BTC/USD) can be seen in a very volatile move with a downward direction, but also a spike low and potential to alter.

Weekly, some levelling of this move may be noted amidst the volatility.

Daily, a downwardly inclined move can be seen, with a spike below 50,000 that might a) stabilize it or b) provide a marker for a move down.

4hr, a move up to 66,000 can be observed, that felt the downward pull and gapped back down to 60,000. Can 60,000 establish support.

30min, a drop below 60,000 can be seen leading into a move up - is this reactive or a pointer towards stability around support?


On monthly candlestick charts, USD/JPY can be seen sharply dropping from its high, to bounce at 140.

Weekly, 140 can be seen providing relatively long term support, so the bounce is unsurprising.

Daily, the extent of the drop from 162 resistance may be noted, driven by news as well as the following volatile stabilisation.

4hr, the relatively volatile move up from 140 may be noted.

30min, resistance from 150 can be seen, wth some support around 148.50.

Silver and EUR/CHF: 5th October 2024

On monthly candlestick charts, Silver (XAG/USD) can be seen pushing upwards, but encountering resistance.

Weekly, from this perspective, resistance can be seen around 32, with pushes up to 33.

Daily, 32 can be seen providing resistance for a relatively extended time, since May. Silver retraced towards 26, before turning up for another go, but in a steeper move compared with the prior move down.

4hr, lower resistance can be seen around 31, which was gapped through, to find higher resistance around 32, which the metal is now trying to overcome.

30min, from support around 32, the metal can be seen pusing upwards, with volatility, to rest currently on prior resistance.


On monthly candlestick charts, EUR/CHF can be seen stabilizing itself.

Weekly, this pair can be noted at the bottom of its wave upwards.

Daily, rising lows can be seen, with with weight on the top, flattening the move.

4hr, a volatile landscape may be observed, with irregular moves up and down, and with some upward support.

30min, rising lows can be seen in this move into 0.94.

Oil and CHF/JPY: 28th September 2024

On monthly candlestick charts, US Oil can be seen finding support, with lower highs, resulting in a reduction in volatility.

Weekly, support can be seen around 65, with a layer of resistance around 80 and up to 95.

Daily, braking action may be noted as this pair gets to support, with rejection bounces.

4hr, Oil can be seen attempting to create a higher low. 30min, potential resistance may be seen forming, as this pair is pulled towards support, but tries to get away from this sinkhole.


On monthly candlestick charts, CHF/JPY can be noted getting to 180 and falling back.

Weekly, a drop below support to near 165 may be noted.

Daily, volatility may be noted around 165, with a slightly lower high.

4hr, a volatile drop may be noted.

30min, this sharp drop can be seen pulling this pair back down below 170.

Gold and EUR/CHF: 21st September 2024

On monthly candlestick charts, Gold (XAU/USD) can be seen surging above 2500 into 2600.

Weekly, the initial resistance around 2500 may be noted, then the surge upwards when this resistance layer was overcome.

Daily, extended resistance can be seen below 2500, adding to the intensity of the move away from this resistance.

4hr, the move on and around 2500 may be noted.

30min, the volatile move around FOMC can be seen as an indicator in the initial direction for the following move, that is, there can be direction hidden in news reactions.


On monthly candlestick charts, EUR/CHF may be noted attempting to stabilize around support.

Weekly, volatility can be seen around support, with spikes below and waves up and back down.

Daily, EUR/CHF can be seen attempting to climb again.

4hr, potential resistance can be seen around prior support, 0.95.

30min, a spike up into 0.95 may be noted.

Bitcoin and USD/JPY: 15th September 2024

On monthly candlestick charts, Bitcoin (BTC/USD) can be seen moving lower, but with spike rejections of each low.

Weekly, while volatile, the move down is structured, with spike lows, lower highs and lows, and a big drop below 50,000, which may be a marker for a target.

Daily, from another perspective, this move is seeking support and may find it above 50,000. This could have implications for further directionality for Bitcoin.

4hr, a drop close to 52,000 may be seen, which led to a small uplift. Around support, moves can happen, but whether they can happen in a significant way can depend on factors such as the length of time and sufficient reductions in volatility, presaging a move.

30min, this uplift can be seen taking BTC to 60,000.


On monthly candlestick charts, USD/JPY can be seen dropping to prior support.

Weekly, 140 can be seen as the base of the move which took it to above 160.

Daily, 162 can be seen as the top of this move, which sent it all the way down to 140. Can it hold on support here?

4hr, as 140 approaches, the waves can be seen bunching together, indicating a possible cohesion in the move.

30min, volatility and reactivity can be seen close to 140.

Silver and EUR/CHF: 7th September 2024

On monthly candlestick charts, Silver (XAG/USD) can be seen encountering resistance around 32.5.

Weekly, Silver may be noted rising from around 22. This move got to that high around 32.5, then destabilized and fell back in a volatile move, still attempting to move higher but stuck a downward direction.

Daily, lower highs can be observed, as well as support falling lower.

4hr, a move up to 32 can be noted, that has falled back to prior support, around the beginning of the move.

30min, a sharp drop can be seen contingent on the Jobs Report.


On monthly candlestick charts, EUR/CHF may be noted attacking its prior low.

Weekly, a spike low may be noted, pushing the pair to 0.92.

Daily, a reactive move up fro the spike low may be noted, that has fallen back towards prior support.

4hr, the pair can be seen hovered above 0.93.

30min, sharp volatility can be noted around NFP.

Oil and CHF/JPY: 31st August 2024

On monthly candlestick charts, US Oil can be seen in a narrowing structure, with rising highs and falling lows.

Weekly, support can be seen around 75, but with instability.

Daily, volatility can be seen as Oil moves on 72 support.

4hr, 75 can be noted pulling Oil up and down.

30min, resistance can be seen around 75.


On monthy candlestick charts, CHF/JPY can be seen dropping sharply on news, then pulling back up.

Weekly, support can be observed around 168.

Daily, volatility may be noted as this pair attempts to rise away from support.

4hr, rising lows can be noted, but resistance around 172.

30min, resistance may be seen, levelling off this move.

Gold and EUR/CHF: 24th August 2024

On monthly candlestick charts, Gold (XAU/USD) can be seen reaching 2,500.

Weekly, resistance from 2,500 can be seen. To reach this figure, Gold found higher support.

Daily, rising lows can be seen that put Gold onto higher support levels, allowing it to get to and slightly above 2,500.

4hr, Gold has been trying to maintain support on 2,500.

30min, a drop below can be seen (as might be expected) then a recovery back up.


On monthly candlestick charts, Gold (XAU/USD) can be seen spiking below its most recent low.

Weekly, that spike can be seen off 0.92.

Daily, the path up towards parity may be noted, then the journey back down. So will this pair try for parity again, or continue its downwards journey.

4hr, the move up from 0.92 can be seen as a reactive push upwards.

30min, resistance around 0.95 may be noted.

Bitcoin and USD/JPY:17th August 2024

On monthly candlestick charts, Bitcoin (BTC/USD) can be seen dropping down to around 50,000.

Weekly, lower highs can be seen as well as lower lows. The extended spikes are for the lows, so there is still upward momentum and support, but the direction is currently down. The question is, what can support do to alter momentum and direction.

Daily, the spike below 50,000 may be noted, which pulled back up.

4hr, Bitcoin can be seen dropping sharply, to around 50,000, then pulling up, but with a reactive move back up that turned horizontal.

30min, this move can itself be seen with downward directionality, at this level of detail.


On monthly candlestick charts, the major drop in this pair may be noted, taking it from above 160 to above 140.

Weekly, the drop towards 140 was rejected, to pull back up.

Daily, the presence of 150 can be seen providing a volatile move.

4hr, a move to below 142 can be seen, which pulled up, to encounter some resistance around 150.

30min, a big, upwards news-driven candle, can be seen dropping back to near its base.

Silver and EUR/CHF: 11th August 2024

On monthly candlestick charts, Silver (XAG/USD) can be seen attempting to hold on higher support.

Weekly, a push above 30 can be seen falling back to try and stabilise.

Daily, 32 can be seen offering resistance and support may be seen around 26.

4hr, a move down may be seen, with a dip below 27.

30min, prior resistance can be seen around 27, offering potential support.


On monthly candlestick charts, EUR/CHF can be seen with a spike low.

Weekly, this spike can be seen getting close to 0.92.

Daily, this low can be seen as a bounce off 0.92.

4hr, the pair can be seen climbing, with retracements after this spike low.

30min, a move around 0.9450 may be observed.

Oil and CHF/JPY: 4th August 2024

On monthly candlestick charts, US Oil can be seen with reducing waves.

Weekly, support around 70 may be noted, along with higher support around 95.

Daily, support around 72 may be observed, with so far, a lower high.

4hr, a downward move becoming more more volatile as support approaches.

30min, a move up and back down to a slightly lower low can be seen.


On monthly candlestick charts, CHF/JPY can be seen rejecting a move above 180.

Weekly, this can be seen resulting in a relatively steep retracement.

Daily, rejection of 180 can be noted, with a move back down to support, for this move.

4hr, attempts to stabilise on the big figure, 170, can be seen.

30min, an elongated, reduced volatile move may be noted.

Gold and EUR/CHF: 1st August 2024

On monthly candlestick charts, Gold (XAU/USD) can be seen hitting against 2,500.

Weekly, rising over 2,300 may be noted leading into a move anchored on support, that has spike pushes upwards. The move seems to be attempting to hold onto higher support. The weight of 2,500 can be seen implicated in this volatility.

Daily, this can be seen as an upward move, but with deep retracements, bringing it back to support, but with signs of higher support.

4hr, a rise close to 2,500 may be noted, falling back and trying again, with a potential double top, if this fails.

30min, some disruption of the move can be noted around 2,450.


On monthly candlestick charts, EUR/CHF may be noted about halfway back down from its fall below parity.

Weekly, in more detail, the move fell to support, rose to fall back around 0.98, and now has fallen back somewhat lower.

Daily, 0.975 may be observed providing this lower high.

4hr, a sharp drop off of 0.95 may be seen.

30min, this move reacted upwards just below 0.9450.

Bitcoin and USD/JPY: 20th July 2024

On monthly candlestick charts, Bitcoin (BTC/USD) can be seen consolidating with volatility following its rise upwards. Bitcoin is showing spike low rejections and spike high rejections.

Weekly, this move can be seen with lower highs and lower lows, but with a reaction up from a candle body low around 56,000.

Daily, Bitcoin can be seen finding support around 56,000 and rising up. The actual support may be located in the value level 55,000, so this may be a reactive move upwards.

4hr, a climb to 67,000 can be seen, with some momentum absorption around 65,000.

30min, the attempt to get into and through 67,000 can be seen.


On monthly candlestick charts, USD/JPY can be noted encountering resistance around 150, then climbing up to 160.

Weekly, more exact resistance may be seen around 152, which was overcome to hit further resistance around 160.

Daily, it can be noted that USD/JPY got to 162, at this level of detail, before falling back.

4hr, the drop from this level of resistance can be observed attempting to stablise.

30min, a recovery attempt may be noted, from this low.

Silver and EUR/CHF: 13th July 2024

On monthly candlestick charts, Silver (XAG/USD) can be seen balanced around previous resistance.

Weekly, it can be seen that the table for prior resistance was 26. When the precious metal got above this, it entered an upwards move which is relatively structured, but intermixed with volatility. The current retracements can be seen dragged down by the relative heights achieved by Silver.

Daily, this retracement looks more like a trend end, at this level of detail. However contextually analyzed, the entire move could be seen as one relatively weighted by resistance as it gets higher.

4hr, however, on this level of detail, Silver can be seen as aiming to find a higher level of support.

30min, an attempt to push through 31 may be noted.


On monthly candlestick charts, EUR/CHF can be seen finding parity resistance to upwards motion, following a long move down.

Weekly, the push to parity can be seen met by a sharp drop, which is not climbing again.

Daily, this drop can be seen reversing around 0.95 (prior resistance).

4hr, an upwards move with resistance around 0.9750, may be noted.

30min, the downward pressure on this move, may be seen.

Oil and CHF/JPY: 6th July 2024

On monthly candlestick charts, US Oil can be seen with rising lows and more complex structure above. Weekly, the lows can be seen as spikes, but with rising support from aeround 70 to 75. 90 can be seen as a limiter on top. So can the current move from higher support get to and above this level.

Daily, rising lows can be seen here as well, with a limit at the top.

4hr, a bounce back from a gapped low may be noted, moving back up towards prior resistance.

30min, repeated attempts to break into 85 may be seen.

In essence, the presence of 85, a value level implicated in changes in movement, seems to be affecting the course of this upward move.


On monthly candlestick charts, CHF/JPY may be seen powering upwards.

Weekly, a volatile move to overcome 172 can be seen leading into a renewed push upwards.

Daily, the closeness of 180 may be noted producing some levelling off, and volatility.

4hr, this can be seen clearly on this level of detail, however the direction is still upwards.

30min, a volatile move below value level resistance can be noted.

Gold and EUR/CHF: 29th June 2024

On monthly candlestick charts, Gold (XAU/USD) can be seen with its rise trimmed by its closeness to 2,500.

Weekly, Gold can be seen getting just above 2450, but with a clear interruption to the upward move from this region of resistance. One interesting point in trading is whether a big figure of some kind destabilises an upward move, thus allowing for the direction to reassert itself, but perhaps before clearly becoming a trend end.

Daily, on this level of detail this is a move stuck between support and resistance. So it does have support; the direction up is there in that supportive sense. And it is encountering resistance from what might be seen as a very significant big figure level. We can also see a narrowing of the move, that is a reduction in volatility. So the path for a continuation is there, but it depends on whether support can hold.

4hr, a lowering of support can be seen at this level of detail, moving on to 2300.

30min, a slight dip below 23000 can be seen leading into a move back up.


On monthly candlestick charts, EUR/CHF can be seen caught between parity and 0.95.

Weekly, from just above 0.92, EUR/CHF rode upwards to fall before parity.

Daily, resistance can be seen around 0.99 and support around 0.95.

4hr, a recovery attempt can be noted from 0.95.

30min, as this move got into 0.96, it became volatile.

Bitcoin and USD/JPY: 22nd June 2024

On monthly candlestick charts, Bitcoin (BTC/USD) can be seen in a volatile move following its rise close to 75,000. Just as 50,000 played roles in destabilising moves in Bitcoin's upwards direction, so too can 75,000 be seen offering this role. 50,000 can perhaps be seen more as an attractor which can pull moves back down, or provide bounces. 75,000 can be seen as a clear marker on the way to 100,000. So this is not an unlikely outcome, for now.

Weekly, the candle that first expressed the instability in the move (the shooting star) can be seen getting close to 74,000. 72,000 has emerged as a resistance level in the later evolution of this move. It has characteristics of a trend end and has already dipped down close to 56,000.

Daily, on closer inspection, 72,500 can be seen as resistance, which has in fact held quite firm.

4hr, a move down from resistance may be noted.

30min, a low volatility recovery from a low may be noted.


On monthly candlestick charts, USD/JPY can be seen getting to 160.

Weekly, resistance may be noted, gathered around this level.

Daily, a spike marker to 160 may be noted, which USD/JPY has seen as a self-referential target.

4hr, the target is close.

30min, ressitance can be seen exerting pressure downward, in a vivd way.

Silver and EUR/CHF: 15th June 2024

On monthly candlestick charts, Silver (XAG/USD) can be seen in a breakout move from resistance around 30. This brings the most recent full candle body into the structure which defined Silver's move up to 50, then back down to form its long term channel, which it has been trying to get out of.

Weekly, Silver can be seen climbing steps upwards, with spikes then finding support, leading into a directional move structured by deepening retracements.

Daily, a spike test to 30 may be noted, then a drop down to find a way to navigate above 30, but then destablise and go below 30 again.

4hr, resistance around 32.50 may be noted, then a stepped move down to 29.

30min, an attempt to stay above 29 can be seen, following a dip below.


On monthly candlestick charts, EUR/CHF may be noted dropping back before parity.

Weekly, a close approach to 1, above .99 can be observed, but dramatically falling back.

Daily, a relatively steady climb, turned horizontal from parity, the pushed up above .98 resistance to drop back. Herein can be seen the rationale for this move: resistance from parity was there but the Forex Pair nonetheless moved above it, to crash back.

4hr, a fall back from below .9950 can be noted, indicating how close it came.

30min, a further drop can be seen all the way, near to .95.

Oil and CHF/JPY: 8th June 2024

On monthly candlestick charts, Crude Oil can be seen with support, but lower highs, producing reducing waves, but an upwards trend line.

Weekly, longer term support may be noted around 70. As waves reduce, it might indicate a possible move, so can Oil now establish higher support.

Daily, resistance can be seen and higher lows.

4hr, a drop through support may be seen.

30min, a shift upwards may be noted.


On monthly candlestick charts, CHF/JPY can be seen continuing to move upwards, tackling resistance.

Weekly, resistance around 175, may be noted.

Daily, at this level of detial, resistance can be seen more precisely at 175. Resistance would be expected at this value, since '75' tends to produce changes in momentum and strucutre.

4hr, a levelling off produced by 175 can be noted.

30min, a horiztonal move with volatile, semi-structured waves can be seen.

Gold and EUR/CHF: 1st June 2024

On monthly candlestick charts, Gold (XAU/USD) can be seen attempting to move towards 2,500.

Weekly, the presence of 2,500 above can be seen destabilising the move, turning it volatile.

Daily, 2450 may be noted offering a ceiling to this move, with support around 2,300.

4hr, a move up to resistance then back down again may be seen.

30min, a move between support and resistance can be noted, with some downward direction.


On monthly candlestick charts, EUR/CHF can be seen finding some resistance around parity.

Weekly, as parity got closer, volatility may be noted increasing.

Daily, despite the resistance, a move above .99 can be seen, but falling back.

4hr, an attempt to find support may be seen.

30min, a reaction up from a resistance driven move back down can be seen.

Bitcoin and USD/JPY: 26th May 2024

On monthly candlestick charts, Bitcoin (BTC/USD) can be seen in a volatile move following its surge upwards close to 75,000. Just as 50,000 can destabilise a move, so may 3/4 between big figures (defining a big figure here as 0-100,000). Bitcoin's volatility can indeed be seen as providing a kind of meta big figure between 0-100,000, especially as the figure of 100,000 is seen as the target for now and has been for a number of years, with higher targets being talked about as well, which could redefine the meta big figure.

Weekly, loooking at this move from its base around 16,000, one may note that it began with trend like formation, evidencing early hesitant moves, taking off, consolidating with volatility as 50,000 approached, then surging upwards to destabillise as 75,000 approached. However this instability could be seen as a continuation, larger as it is relative to the extent of the prior surge (or it could be seen as a trend end).

Daily shows how horizontal the current formation is, but with lower lows, finding support and a return to the top of the channel (72,500).

4hr, this move can be seen as contextually one which dipped lower to try and find a way upwards.

30min, volatility then volatility reduction may be noted.


On monthly candlestick charts, USD/JPY can be seen pushing over resistance around 150, then hitting chop again around 160.

Weekly, the actual resistance may be noted around 152, with 160 offering current instability.

Daily, 160 can be seen with a deep volatile dip back to 152 (prior resistance).

4hr, reductions in volatility, but upwards movement may be noted.

30min, 157 can be seen providing currrent resistance.

Silver and EUR/CHF: 18th May 2024

On monthly candlestick charts, Silver (XAG/USD) can be seen pushing out of the channel it has been in since 2013.

Weekly, Silver can be seen powering over 30.

Daily, the break through 30 can be seen producing a relatively long candle.

4hr, on this level of detail three long candles can be seen composing this daily candle.

30min, a more complex structure may be noted here with an initial surge above 30 resistance, then some smaller candles with some volatility, but nonetheless a significantly upwardly directional move.

Moving out to 12 months, it can be seen that Silver recovered from its high near 50, with a higher low, which has determindly moved upwards, found resistance below 30 and has now just overcome this. Can it continue upwards.


On monthly candlestick charts, EUR/CHF can be seen recovering from its low, pulled back towards parity.

Weekly, following an encounter with 0.98 resistance, EUR/CHF has pushed past this.

Daily, resistance can be seen more precisely around 0.985 which has been overcome for now.

4hr, a move towards 0.99 may be observed.

Moving out to 12 months this move can be noted as a reactive move up from a low.

Crude Oil and CHF/JPY: 11th May 2024

On monthly candlestick charts, Crude Oil can be seen in a norrowing range of waves following its highs to around 130.

Weekly, support can be seen around 70, but with lower resistance.

Daily, an attempt to move to 88 can be noted.

4hr, a move down with an attempt to establish support can be observed.

1hr, a wave filled downwardly inclined move may be noted, which perked up following contact around 77.

30min, this move can be seen as hitting against resistance then moving back.


On monthly candlestick charts, CHF/JPY may be noted hitting some resistance as it pushed higher.

Weekly, this move can be seen turning more horizontal, but with volatility as the upward impulse clashes with some downward pressure.

Daily, a volatile move with a spike up to around 175, then a drop down close to 167 may be noted.

4hr, the drop down towards 167 can be seen as from where the move emerged, and this spike low helped recover it back upwards. Does it have more determined, less volatile direction. On this level of a sustained upwards move may be seen, but with volatility being introduced.

Gold and EUR/CHF: 4th May 2024

On monthly candlestick charts, Gold (XAU/USD) can be seen pulling back from a push above 2400.

Weekly, spike pushes into 2400 may be noted which fell back below.

Daily, some support may be noted around 2280.

4hr, Gold can be noted moving on 2300.

30min, a volile move around NFP can be seen which pushed up, fell back down and returned to base.


On monthly candlestick charts, EUR/CHF may be observed attempting to recover from its low.

Weekly, this move can be noted finding resistance around 0.98.

Daily, a spike down to near 0.9550 can be seen then a renewed push at 0.985 resistance.

4hr, this attempt at resistance may be noted falling back. Can it keep support.

30min, a drift down 0.97 can be seen.

Bitcoin and USD/JPY: 27th April 2024

On monthly candlestick charts, Bitcoin (BTC/USD) can be seen in a reactive move following its ATH.

Weekly, resistance can be seen around 72,000 with spikes above. Bitcoin can be seen with spike support around 60,000.

Daily, an apparent trend end or continuation pattern may be noted at this level of detail with lowering support and highs but apparent lessening of volatility (unless this is a precursor to an attack on support).

4hr, the reducing volatility can be seen at this level of detail as Bitcoin drifts lower.

30min, a move down to 60,000 may be noted with lowering highs. Is it possible for Bitcoin to build from this support, do the fundamentals support anything other than a drift or fall downwards. During 2022 there was a second move up which became the ATH till this year. So the question remains what was this recent surge - was it due to the halving, was it a recovery rally from the extended low volatility period or is it the precursor to a new bull market. Since the fundamental of Bitcoin have tightned in terms of halving, can this translate into the realms which may have hoped for (which are beyond its current ATH), as use of and acceptance of Bitcoin expands (i.e. is Bitcoin overvalued or pausing in an upward revaluation).


On monthly candlestick charts, USD/JPY can be observed surging above resistance around 150 towards 160.

Weekly, resistance can be seen as having been at 152, which took three attempts to overcome.

Daily, the surge in this move may be noted as USD/JPY got above 155.

4hr, at this level of detail the relatively vertical climb may still be seen.

30min, a concerted attempt to move towards 159 may be seen, held back by 158.50.

Going out to 6 months, USD/JPY may be noted at the top of a channel it fell into into in 1986.

Silver and EUR/CHF: 21st April 2024

On monthly candlestick charts, Silver (XAG/USD) can be seen pushing up against resistance around 30.

Weekly, this move can be seen as a breakthough of 26 resistance, which had contained it.

Daily, this movement above 26 came from 22 support.

4hr, this move may be observed levelling off towards horizontal from resistance above (30).

30min, a volatile movement within 28 may be noted.


On monthly candlestick charts, EUR/CHF may be seen reacting up from a low in a downard move.

Weekly, resistance around 0.98 may be noted.

Daily, a move up to 0.985 can be seen which has dropped back.

4hr, a spike low into 0.95 may be observed.

30min, this low can be seen as a sharp drop which recovered back up, but working at prior support as resistance (0.97).

Oil and CHF/JPY: 13th April 2024

On monthly candlestick charts, US Oil can be seen moving up again from support.

Weekly, a local top can be seen around 95 and support around 70 (with spikes below). There is reduction in more chaotic volatility, allowing Oil to move in a more structured way.

Daily, from a dip below 70, a move up to 88 may be seen.

4hr, 88 can be seen providing resistance leading into an increase in volatility.

30min, slightly higher lows can be seen and pushes upwards back to resistance.


On monthly candlestick charts, CHF/JPY may be noted encountering some resistance around 170, following a steady, upwards move.

Weekly, on this level of detail, this pair can be seen finding resistance below 170, overcoming it and thwn encountering resistance around 172.

Daily, a horizontal, volatile, though upwards directed move may be noted.

4hr, volatile moves may be seen.

30min, both long downward and upwards candles may be seen as this pair attempts to navigate through a global high producing resistance.

Gold and EUR/CHF: 6th April 2024

On monthly candlestick charts, US Crude Oil can be seen attempting to break out of resistance around 110 (and spiking to 130).

Weekly, after this move up, current resistance/support may be noted between 90 and 70.

Daily, a climb up towards 88 may be seen.

4hr, after breaking through resistance around 80/81, then finding support on this prior resistance, this move towards 90 may be seen gathering pace.

30min, a surge up from 95 may be noted, getting Oil to support around 86.5.


On monthly candlestick charts, CHF/JPY may be noted climbing from a base around 110 to around 170.

Weekly, spikes off 160 can be observed as well as retracements as 172 provides initial resistance.

Daily, a volatile move with 172 as resistance may be seen.

4hr, a volatile downward move may be seen.

30min, attempts to move upwards may be seen.

Gold and EUR/CHF: 30th March 2024

On monthly candlestick charts, Gold (XAU/USD) can be seen pushing through 2100 into 2200.

Weekly, earlier resistance around 2080 may be noted which Gold has overcome.

Daily, this move can be seen emerging from support around 2000, finding some resistance around 2200 then moving up into 2200.

4hr, the move can be seen turning horizontal due to 2200 resistance, untilt this was overcome.

30min, a move upward can be seen developing.


On monthly candlestick charts, EUR/CHF may be noted rising from a low.

Weekly, a dop into 0.93 can be seen leading into a move upwards to .98. Thus the pair has restructured into its move with parity above.

Daily, the dip low can be seen offering directional momentum up to around 0.98.

4hr, 0.98 can be seen pushing the pair back down to 0.97.

30min, a volatile move may be noted.

Bitcoin and USD/JPY: 23rd March 2024

On monthly candlestick charts, Bitcoin (BTC/USD) can be seen spiking up above its prior ATH and then pulling back down into the spikes of the prior ATHs. Just on this perspective, BTC can be seen as having moved over 60,000, which is where the prior ATHs were pulled back below.

Weekly, the upwards move from its low around 1600 can be seen gathering pace, but without the volume so far from 2021, and relatively reduced to an extent compared with 2022. The Long-Legged Doji pattern accompanied by an increase in volume at the top indicates indecision, but with warnings signals as it is referenced to a prior surge upwards with bullish candles. It does not necessrily imply that the market will crash, however this is a signal which is taken seriously by traders.

From another persoective, this is a move which has exceeded prior ATHs, and surpisingly, it may not have been anticipated that Bitcoin would recover like this. So indecision can be expected in the market, which takes shape as traditional signals point to overbought conditions.

Bitcoin is itself being driven by fundamentals due to its oncoming halving, but the question can be asked is this a bull market or just a reaction to the extended period of low volatility coupled with fundamentals. The sentiment driving Bitcoin can be see as leaving it susceptible to surges and corrections. However whether this is just a potentially volatile continuation remains to be seen.

Daily, more detail can be seen, which is to say a gradual move up which surged into 60,000 and prodiuces a move above 72,000 then back to a volatile support around 60,000.

On 4hr, Bitcoin seems to be finding some support around 62,000, but with resistance around 68,000.

30min, a surge upwards to 68,000 then a move back down to just above 62,000 can be seen.


On monthly candlestick charts, USD/JPY can be seen finding resistance around 152.

Weekly, this resistance can be seen persisting since October 2022, depsite a deep retracemnt. However this pair is indeed pushing against this extended resistance layer.

Daily, a drop down to 141 may be noted then a more retracement prone rise back up to near 152 can be seen.

4hr, another deep retracement may be observed taking this pair close to 152.

30min, the pair can be seen attempting to take out barriers (presumably) in this key region.

Silver and EUR/CHF: 16th March 2024

On monthly candlestick charts, Silver (XAG/USD) can be seen with resistance around 26, but with rising lows.

Weekly, on volume a rise up to 26 can be seen, with support around 22.

Daily, ranging betwene resistance and support may be noted.

4hr, a renewed attempt to climb towards resistance can be observed.

30min, a push upwards can be noted.

Moving out to 12months, Silver can be seen in the upper part of its range between 30 and 14.


On monthly candlestick charts, EUR/CHF may be noted reacting up from a low below its spike low from 2015.

Weekly, a bounce off 0.94 can be seen which got it back to parity then led into a downard direction below this bounce support.

Daily, a move below 0.93 may be seen which led into a return towards 0.97 resistance.

4hr, an upwards move becoming gradually more horizontal can be noted.

30min, resistance and support may be seen constraining this pair.

Moving out to 12months, this pair can be seen at a the low end of its downward move, on volume.

Oil and CHF/JPY: 9th March 2024

On monthly candlestick charts, Crude Oil (WTI) can be seen in a move of reducing volatility.

Weekly, following a spike to 130, Oil may be noted entering a horizontal move between support (around 70) and resistance (around 90).

Daily, a dip slightly below 70 can be seen leading into a sedate recovery move upwards.

4hr, a volatile upwards move towards resistance can be seen, with retracements and spikes.

30min, attempts to push upwards may be noted returning to support.


On monthly candlestick charts, CHF/JPY may be noted driving upwards to hit against resistance.

Weekly, 172 may be seen providing current resistance.

Daily, higher volatile spike lows may be noted.

4hr, steady volume may be seen creating a horizontal move which fell back with increasing volume.

30min, a downward move with a recent reactive push up may be noted.

Gold and EUR/CHF: 2nd March 2024

On monthly candlestick charts, Gold (XAU/USD) can be seen finding a path above resistance turning a double top into a continuation upwards, with voltility from resistance.

Weekly, support can be seen playing a role allowing Gold to climb to new heights, as well as spike highs.

Daily, resistance (or an undefined move in terms of past reference) now may be observed turning the move horizontal.

4hr, support may be noted now from 2000.

30min, upwards momentum may be seen in space already defined by prior moves.

Moving out to 12 months, Gold/USD can be seen as upwardly moving, but with a deep retracement, from where it recovered in this decade to find new heights.


On monthly candlestick charts, EUR/CHF may be noted in a long downward move, exceeding the spike low from 2015. Some buying pressure has provided an upwards move from this low.

Weekly, this move below 0.93 can be seen recovering upwards.

Daily, EUR/CHF may be noted getting to 0.96, with prior resistance around 0.97.

4hr, the current move may be noted coming from a base around 0.93.

30min, some support may be in the upper third of 0.95.

Moving out to 12 month, the sustained downward momentum may be noted, following a rise from the Euros early days - that is the market correcting the initial relative valuation of these currencies, which was well above parity, but has now been brought to below parity. One could ask where a relatively stable valuation may be.

Bitcoin and USD/JPY: 24th February 2024

On monthly candlestick charts, Bitcoin (BTC/USD) can be looked at as a rise from relatively low volatility, but upward direction to a double top, but with a pointer to 70,000 in the second top, then a drop down to support on the lower volatility region the double top emerged from. And from this low and support a renewed upward move has happened.

Looking at value levels, the double top can be seen as a surge in both cases above 50,000 but falling before 75,000 (seeing 50/75 as signficant value levels, by virtue of their value). This provides a context for the current move which is around this 50,000 level.

So Bitcoin can try and build a move that finds 50,000 not as a surge point (to create a volatile double top) but to provide it as a base with targets of 75,000 and then 85,000 and then 100,000, where considerable volatility may be expected, if not at the figure then in attempts to pull above it. This assumes that BTC can continue this way and is not sent back down, creating 50,000 rather as resistance.

Weekly, a more extended view of the tops vs now can be seen, including the effort taken by BTC to get back to where it is.

Daily, to get back to 50,000, BTC needed to slump to a spike low just above 38,000, from here it overcame the downward pressure from 50,000.

4hr, the move above 50,000 can be seen turning horizontal and drifting back down, can it hold around 50,000.

30min, the volatility of this downward drifting move may be noted, specifically reductions in volatility.


On monthly candlestick charts, USD/JPY can be seen attempting to overcome reistance to a double top formation via a retracement.

Weekly, support can be seen around 140 then the return back close to prior resistance. Can this retracement tackle the resistance.

Daily, resistance itself may be noted around 152.

4hr, this resistance may be noted creating a horizontal move.

30min, attempts to push up can be seen met with steeper retracements.

Silver and EUR/CHF: 17th February 2024

On monthly candlestick charts, Silver (XAG/USD) can be seen with support around 22 and resistance around 26.

Weekly, despite a dip below this support, Silver can be seen still maintaning its support/resistance range, in general.

Daily, reductions in volatility may be noted.

4hr, attempts to move higher may be observed, from 22.

30min, a move to up 23.50 can be seen.


On monthly candlestick charts, EUR/CHF may be noted finding some reaction up from its low.

Weekly, thus, around 0.93 may be noted offering a reactive move up. Can it exceed local resistance from the end of the move.

Daily, a low around 0.9250 can be seen, as well as an attempt to breach local resistance.

4hr, upwards momentum can be seen hitting against local resistance.

30min, volatility may be noted.

Oil and CHF/JPY: 10th February 2024

On monthly candlestick charts, Oil (XTI/USD) can be seen with reduction of volatility near its support.

Weekly, a layer of support around and below 70 may be noted.

Daily, higher lows can be seen from 68 upwards but with resistance between 78 and 80.

4hr, a move down and back up towards this resistance layer may be noted.

30min, a move turned horizontal by resistance may be seen.


On monthly candlestick charts, CHF/JPY can be noted climbing upwards to 170.

Weekly, prior resistance from 170 can be seen overcome at least in a shallow way so far.

Daily, a volatile horizontal move on 170 may be noted. Where can direction come from ?

4hr, a deeper dip below 170 may be seen.

30min, volatile move within the resistance/support field can be seen. Will this field fragment in a directional way.

Gold and EUR/CHF: 3rd February 2024

On monthly candlestick charts, Gold (XAU/USD) can be seen continuing to rise up, tackling the resistance layer which provided a previous triple top below 2100.

Weekly, support can be seen gathering around 2000, with the last high getting to near 2150.

Daily, this move may be noted dropping following its high to around 1975, then pulling up to range on support.

4hr, volatility can be seen as Gold atempts to rise within this range.

30min, a move up across then back to base can be observed.


On monthly candlestick charts, EUR/CHF can be seen continuing downwards.

Weekly, a move below 0.93 may be noted, than a reaction up.

Daily, 0.925 may be noted offering support for a ractive move up to around .9459 then back down but onto 0.93. Can this maintain support.

4hr, a volatile move on support may be observed.

30min, a push up from support may be seen.

Bitcoin and USD/JPY: 27th January 2024

On monthly candlestick charts, Bitcoin (BTC/USD) can be seen with instability in its upwards move, corresponding to the move into prior volatile regions.

Weekly, a gap can be seen leading into this move, but it can be seen defined by the presence of 50,000 a value level which is involved in move destabilisation as a generalised repeating pattern. So the gap suggests inherent momentum but the 50,000 is something which must be absorbed.

Daily, it can be noted that the push towards 50,000 led intio a reaction back down which has moved into the gap area, and then provided a reactive move upwards. The extent to which this is a reaction or momentum recovery will be seen.

4hr, the dip into 28,000 then led into a move back to 40,000 which has found upwards movement so far, but with resistance from past recent support. Another gap may be noted, dropping it below 43,000 (on the way down) which can be seen as offering higher resistance.

30min, the strength of the current move upwards may be seen as well as resistance pressure on it.


On monthly candlestick charts, USD/JPY may be noted getting above 150 again, dropping back and pulling upwards again in a volatile move.

Weekly, so will this new up move fall below the limits set by the most recent high (152).

Daily, resistance around 149 may be noted.

4hr, resistance creating volatility, horizonal moves and dips down can be observed.

30min, volatility with an upwards incline may be seen.

Silver and EUR/CHF: 13th January 2024

On monthly candlestick charts, Silver (XAG/USD) can be seen moving with volatiity between support and resistance.

Weekly, support can be seen around 22 and resitance around 26.

Daily, a drop below 22 can be seen then a move back to 26, which moved down to 22 support.

4hr, a downward move towards support may be observed.

30min, a reaction up form a support approach may be noted.


On monthly candlestick charts, EUR/CHF may be seen in a continuing downward move with a reaction up from .92.

Weekly, initially the move bounced off .94 then moved back down to a lower low below .93.

Daily, .925 may be seen offering some support.

4hr, a reactive trend up may be seen emerging from this low.

30min, this move may be noted with some resistance pressure.

Oil and CHF/JPY: 13th January 2024

On monthly candlestick charts, Oil (XTI/USD) can be seen back near support.

Weekly, the recent move up can be seen as a post trend reaction as it got near support.

Daily, this move may be noted establishing itself around 70 support.

4hr, volatile attempts to move up may be seen.

30min, a move up to 75 can be seen met with a reaction back down.


On monthly candlestick chatrs, CHF/JPY can be seen continuing to rise upwards, with some developing reaction down.

Weekly, a more wavelike form can be noted below 170.

Daily, movement up to and above 171 can be seen.

4hr, some upwards directional momentum may be noted.

30min, movement below 170 can be seen.

Gold and EUR/CHF: 6th January 2024

On monthly candlestick charts, Gold (XAU/USD) can be seen climbing upwards having exceeded the prior resistance from the previous two spikes, but exceeding it by a spike.

Weekly, this spike can be observed getting very close to 2150. However the bulk of the candles are still stuck around resistance. Can this spike be a marker for a further move up and overcoming the prior double spike top, One can also ask is a spike double top a different beast from a clear candle body traced double top. That is, it can indicate instability not merely in the capacity to move but, but also in the capacity to define a hard limit to the move.

Daily, a move up in into this resistance can be noted, beginning from a gap. The resistance is flattening the move to an extent but allowing a spike though it.

4hr, movement with spikes up and down can be observed, contingent on NFP.

30min, on NFP, Gold dropped down then pulled back up sharply, but to come down to start point, but perhaps with some upwards direction. Bear in mind this move has taken place within an overall down move, contingent on resistance weight.


On monthly candlestick charts, EUR/CHF may be noted in an entrenched downward move.

Weekly, a recovery from a low may be seen, which then moved to a lower low.

Daily, consolidation attempts can be noted at this lower low.

4hr, this move may be seen in more detail with some narrowing happening.

30min, a volatile horizonal move may be noted.

Bitcoin and USD/CHF: 30th December 2023

On monthly candlestick charts, Bitcoin (BTC/USD) can be seen rising up close to 45,000, in a sharply directional move since overcoming resistance around 30,000.

Weekly, following a gap which got it to and above 40,000, Bitcoin on this level of detail is creating a triangular structure, i.e. a pause of some kind. The presence of prior resistance below 50,000 may be felt.

Daily, in more detail, this structure can be seen turning the move more horizontal and volatile, but within a structure of higher lows and resistance above.

4hr, the volatility of this movement may be noted here.

30min, within a downward move finding support, the dropping lower may be noted.


On monthly candlestick charts, USD/JPY can be seen turned back at 152 resistance again.

Weekly, the double top can be seen quite clearly, as well as the downward current move.

Daily, breaking action may be observed from the lower spikes.

4hr, bounces from the presence of 140 may be noted.

30min, a closer approach to 140 may be seen with a sharp bounce up which fell back to for now higher support on lower volatility.

Silver and EUR/CHF:23rd December 2023

On monthly candlestick charts, Silver (XAG/USD) can be seen finding resistance around 26 and support around 22.

Weekly, Silver can be seen recovering from a low then to find resistance.

Daily, a further attempt to move into 26 may be noted.

4hr, a reaction up form a low can be seen meeting resistance.

30min, volatile moves within 24 may be noted.


On monthly candlestick charts, EUR/CHF may be seen continuing on a downward move and hitting below .95.

Weekly, a reaction up from going below .95 can be noted (to .97) then drop back down below 0.95.

Daily, a reaction up from .95 can be seen when fell back to the beginning.

4hr, a volatile move down with spikes candles can be seen as 0.94 is approached and then a reaction up.

30min, a spike below .94 may be noted.

Oil and CHF/JPY: 16th December 2023

On monthly candlestick charts, Oil (XTI/USD) can be seen moving back down towards support.

Weekly, the relatively symmetrical move up from support to around 95 then back down can be observed.

Daily, attempts to establish support around 70 may be noted.

4hr, from a lower dip, Oil can be seen getting just above prior resistance. Can this help maintain it above its low.

30min, attempts to move up firmly into 72 can be seen, leading to a more horizontal move with a dip down and pull back up.


On monthly candlestick charts, CHF/JPY may be noted getting to 170 and dropping back.

Weekly, this pair can be seen at a support level.

Daily, volatile moves may be observed.

4hr, a reactive move off a low can be noted, which came down with some symmetry.

30min, volatility may be seen after this move, on this level of detail.

Gold and EUR/CHF: 9th December 2023

On monthly candlestick charts, Gold (XAU/USD) can be seen pushing high above the spike triple top. However the third spike top can be seen as part of a move to get above this resistance.

Weekly, the resistance level around 2050 can be seen then a move back down to 1800 and from there a renewed push above 2050.

Daily, an attempt to hold on support may be noted.

4hr, potential support around 2000 may be seen.

30min, a drop down to around 1995 can be obsereved. Is this just a reactive move or can Gold make use of the support potential from prior recent resistance.


On monthly candlestick charts EUR/CHF may be noted continuing its downward move.

Weekly, it can be seen that support around .94 has held.

Daily, a wild move up from near this support towards .97 resistance dropped all the way back to hit against .94.

4hr, this pair can be seen trying to resolve its move around this support pressure.

30min, a move driven up by reactive momentum can be seen, but with drifts downward as well.

Bitcoin and USD/JPY:2nd December 2023

On monthly candlestick charts, Bitcoin (BTC/USD) can be seen at an area which did provide some volatile levels of support previously.

Weekly, it can be noted that Bitcoin has risen above a prior gap on its way down, but less directional fervour can be seen in its present moves.

Daily, it may be noted that getting above 30,000 was the spur to push up in a directional way, which spiked above 35,000, then turned more volatile and less directional, but nonetheless continued upwards. 40,000 may be noted above.

4hr, a volatile move up with deep retracement waves may be observed, getting close to 40,000.

30min, a move above resistance can be seen then retracement pressure from the weight of 40,000 (and its prior support).


On monthly candlestick charts, USD/JPY may be observed pulling back from a (potential) double top.

Weekly, getting above 150 this time may be seen as more sustained, however it has still fallen back. Can it find support.

Daily, 152 may be noted providing specific resistance here.

4hr, some appearance of potential support may be noted.

30min, a symmetrical move up and back down may be seen.

Silver and EUR/CHF: 25th November 2023

On monthly candlestick charts, Silver (XAG/USD) can be seen in a volatile move with 26 resistance above and 20 resistance below, but it is currently on 22 support.

Weekly, a dip below 22 support may be noted, from where it moved upwards again. Can it overcome the next poential resistance around 25.

Daily, volatility can be noted in this move up, but with directional up candles.

4hr, a push above 24 level resistance may be noted.

30min, a surge upwards can be seen at this level of detail.


On monthly candlestick charts, EUR/CHF may be seen rejecting 0.94 so far.

Weekly, 0.94 can be seen as the low from 2022. Resistance around 0.97 can be seen as well (this was prior support).

Daily, a symmetrical move from resistance to longer term support and back to resistance may be noted.

4hr, a move up from 0.96 can be seen and higher support, as well as resistance above, creating a volatile move.

30min, a volatile rising move may be noted.

Oil and CHF/JPY: 18th November 2023

On monthly candlestick charts, Oil (XTI/USD) can be seen moving back down from an attempted recovery.

Weekly, in its recovery, it may be noted that Oil fell at prior resistance around 95. Lower resistance may be observed around 80.

Daily, a move up and down may be noted, with support around 75.

4hr, Oil can be seen moving up from 72 to potential resistance from prior support.

30min, the drop and recovery back can be seen.


On monthly candlestick charts, CHF/JPY can be seen continuing to move upwards at a steep pace.

Weekly, some resistance may be noted forming.

Daily, a move above 170 led into a drop down.

4hr, this drop can be seen bouncing up from support.

30min, a reactive move up may be observed starting to turn down.

Gold and EUR/CHF:11th November 2023

On monthly candlestick charts, Gold (XAU/USD) can be seen attempting to tackle the barrier which has produced three tops. Although there are spikes above it (producing each top), the barrier can be seen around 2000. Gold has found higher support on 1800 on this view, can it find support around 1900 now.

Weekly, it may be noted that support has been established at this level of detail around 1900, but with a dip below to 1800. 2000 is presenting a barrier presently.

Daily, this most recent move to 2000, emerged from a drop to 1800 support.

4hr, a move to around 2010 may be observed, which led into a move back down after a lower high below 2012.

30min, movement down symmetric around 1950 may be noted.


On monthly candlestick charts, EUR/CHF may be observed continuing to find support around .95 following a long move down. But is this a pause.

Weekly, that drop to lower support around .94 led into a move up.

Daily, this move can be seen levelling out, below the former high of .97, so far.

4hr, a move up also levelling out may be observed around .9550.

30min, volatile Friday type movement may be noted.

Bitcoin and USD/JPY: 4th November 2023

On monthly candlestick charts, Bitcoin (BTC/USD) can be seen rising upwards again following a pause around support.

Weekly, two moves down to support around 25,00 may be noted leading into a sharp move upwards, into a gap from May 2022.

Daily, a further move along support may be seen developing.

4hr, support may be noted on 34,000 and reduced volatility movement, with a top around 36,000.

30min, a move down in waves from 36,000 may be noted, back towards support and then levelling out.


On monthly candlestick charts, USD/JPY may be obeserved pushing upwards against resistance. From a low after its previous high, it found a way to climb directionally but steadily (i.e. without the gap from last time, from where it dropped back).

Weekly, it can be seen that the pair can try and move beyond its previous high, or create or start to create a double top.

Daily, a relatively long candle up may be noted which hit against 152.

4hr, considerable volaility may be noted at this level of detail, with a move up (to near 152) then nearly all the way back down.

30min, a sharp drop on NFP may be observed, which steadied around support.

Silver, EUR/CHF and Oil: 28th October 2023

On monthly candlestick charts, Silver (XAG/USD) may be seen holding around 22 in a volatile structure.

Weekly, rising lows can be observed but within deep retracements and volatile moves.

Daily, falling highs may be noted in this snapshot.

4hr, an attempt to get through 23 can be seen, which led into a more horizontal move with spike lows.

30min, another push into 23 may be noted.


On monthly candlestick charts, EUR/CHF may be noted in a definite downtrend, but with an attempted break around .95.

Weekly, it can be seen that EUR/CHF has dropped below .95, but this low of .94 is in fact a spike low defined around a year ago.

Daily, the volatile impetus from hitting this type of structural support may be noted.

4hr, a move down towards support and back up again can be observed.

30min, resistance around .95 may be noted then a rise above it.


On monthly candlestick charts, Oil (XTI/USD) can be seen encountering resistance.

Weekly, it can be asked if resistance from a top of a potential channel (relative to movement a year ago) has destabilised this trend.

Daily, 95 can be seen as the high point, from where Oil dropped back to move about in a pattern indicating a lack of directional impetus so far.

4hr, a move up and back down can be seen, with some structure intermixed with volatility.

30min, a volatile move without particular direction my be observed.

Oil and CHF/JPY: 22nd October 2023

On monthly candlestick charts, Oil (XTI/USD) can be seen climbing upwards then encountering resistance.

Weekly, movement above 95 may be noted then a drop back towards 80, which then turned up again. Can it overcome this resistance, which could stem from earlier resistance a year ago.

Daily, the recovery from 80 can be seen as volatile with a gap and restracements.

4hr, on this level of detail, this move may be seen with some structure as it moves upwards, with retracements which are ovecome by following rises.

30min, a move to find resistance around 91 may be noted.


On monthly candlestick charts, CHF/JPY may be seen rising with some momentum.

Weekly, this pair may be noted overcoming resistance with a push upwards from a spike low.

Daily, a momentum building move towards 168 may be observed.

4hr, a steady move maintaining its incline can be noted.

30min, resistance may be observed creating horitzontal movement.

Gold and EUR/CHF: 14th October 2023

On monthly candlestick charts, Gold (XAU/USD) can be seen having made a triple top, but finding support around 1800, which was also prior support in this structure.

Weekly, a spike above 2050 may be observed, which led into a drop to 1800, which it reacted up from.

Daily, this reaction may be noted getting back to the area from where it dropped.

4hr, a gap may be observed in this surge up from prior support.

30min, this can also be seen as a move towards 2000.


On monthly candlestick charts, EUR/CHF may be noted continuing its journey through the spike of the candle from 2014.

Weekly, it can be noted that EUR/CHF is also not far from its spike low of 2022. Can this offer support.

Daily, a lower high just below .97 may be noted then a sharp drop to bounce off .9450.

4hr, the sharp drop may be observed at this time frame from .0550.

30min, a reactive move up may be seen, will this then continue its descent.

Bitcoin and USD/JPY: 7th October 2023

On monthly candlestick charts, Bitcoin (BTC/USD) can be seen in another move up from 25,000 support. The possibilities include that Bitcoin can exceed 30,000 or that it might move about between support and resistance or that it can fall below support. Factors such as news events could play a role in these outcomes.

Weekly, this move between support and resistance may be observed in more detail. The larger down and up candles may be noted as part of the movement between support and resistance.

Daily, volatility can be noted including a spike close to 14,000, which led into the most recent move upwards.

4hr, the move upwards from 25,000 may be noted, with higher support around 26,000 and resistance as it approached 29,000.

30min, volatile moves within local support/resistance may be noted.


On monthly candlestick charts, USD/JPY can be seen climbing close to its most recent high.

Weekly, resistance can be seen around 150.

Daily, a candle with a spike close to 147 may be noted which managed to close much higher than the spike low. Can it hold on higher support to tackle resistance.

4hr, will this pair be constrained by ressitance - i.e. could it have reached a trend end for now.

30min, a pushup to spike above 149.50 may be observed.